Way ta go, slugger!

After a shaky start to the season the lads have managed to finish 2nd place or joint 1st as Fenrir would call it.  Seems like etf2l agrees with fenrir as we now have two golden pixel trophies!

Well done mateys and congratulations on earning promotion to div 3.

ETF2L Season 11 - Div 4b

15-03-2012Audere Semper eSport6 - 0
12-03-2012nervousENERGY BLU4 - 2
11-03-2012Aloah!6 - 0
05-03-2012The MIPC Second Edition1 - 5
28-02-2012Time 4 Fisting6 - 0
keen bean sponsored teamDropped
06-02-2012Team Colonslash: Classy3 - 3